Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Gardening for Relaxation

From growing flowers to your own herbs and vegetables, North and South Carolina provide the perfect climate for gardening. Moreover, gardening provides many active adults over 55 the opportunity to be outdoors, relax, and even reap some delightful health benefits.

Here are just a few reasons spending a bit of time tending to your garden in your retirement years can help you to relax and improve your overall health
  • Boosts Your Vitamin D
    Getting outside on a nice day provides you with a healthy dose of Vitamin D from the sun. Of course, you need to be mindful of how much sun you get, but in small doses, natural sunlight has proven to provide lots of health benefits.
  • Provides Fresh Air
    Being outside in the fresh air is lovely. Being outside and working with plants can actually increase the level of fresh air you’re getting. Plants remove CO2, while manufacturing oxygen, so a few hours in the garden ensures that you’re truly getting lots of fresh air.
  • Improves Mood
    Gardening allows many people the opportunity to clear away stress, by allowing you to focus on the act of tending to your plants. The Vitamin D you’ll get from the sun is also a natural mood enhancer.
  • Reduces Blood Pressure
    Gardening offers the opportunity for low stress exercise. While it is not considered an aerobic exercise, gardening does require muscle movement, which in turn burns calories, reduces stress from the release of endorphins, thereby aiding in lowering your blood pressure.

Gardening in our retirement years can be a very fulfilling outdoor activity, which will provide you with subtle health benefits, in addition to helping you to relax. Tribute Homes located in North and South Carolina affords the perfect locales with corresponding favorable climates to allow you to be outside year-round. For information on our active adult retirement communities, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Health Benefits of Swimming

In addition to walking, one of the best exercises for active adults over the age of 55 is certainly swimming. Whether you're going to a local pool or taking advantage of natural waterways in the Carolinas, experts agree that swimming provides incredible health benefits to us in our retirement years. Here are a few of the ways that regular swimming can keep you in top physical shape as you age.

  • Swimming can improve blood pressure
    As a low impact exercise, swimming is nonetheless laden with health benefits including reducing blood pressure. Because swimming helps improve circulation, and lowers blood pressure it may also lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.
  • Swimming provides total body conditioning
    The act of swimming allows you to use muscles you may not otherwise use. Moreover, swimming utilizes all of your major muscle groups, so that both your upper and lower body muscles become more toned.
  • Swimming Lowers Cholesterol
    Swimming, which is considered an aerobic exercise can help your body to raise the "good cholesterol" while reducing the "bad cholesterol." Your risk of heart disease is lowered when you improve your good cholesterol.
  • Swimming lowers risk of diabetes
    Aerobic exercise such as swimming can help you to reduce the risk of diabetes, by helping you to burn hundreds of calories each week. For example, just 90 minutes a week of swimming the breaststroke can burn up to 900 calories. That can reduce your risk of getting diabetes from 10-15%.

Swimming is also a low impact exercise, which has a very low incidence of injury. Moreover, many doctors recommend swimming for active adults who have an existing injury. Swimming is a low stress exercise, which results in very little muscle strain, but great health benefits. However you should always consult your doctor before beginning any new physical fitness routine.

Tribute Homes in North and South Carolina understands that retirement may just be the beginning of your most active years. We offer low maintenance and energy efficient homes so that you can focus on yourself and your loved ones in your retirement years. For information on our lakeside or golf community homes for active adults 55+, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Daily Walks: Surprising Mental Health Benefits

Walking is not only the simplest (and least expensive) means of exercise, but it's also one of the most valuable. This is particularly true as we get older. A regular walking routine has shown to lower blood pressure, reduce joint pressure, decrease our risks of strokes, and helps us to maintain a healthy weight in our retirement years. Walking has also proven to contribute to a better night's sleep. However, these physical benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to improving our overall physical well being, daily walks have shown to help active adults over the age of 55 improve mental wellness as well.

Here are four surprising mental health benefits that you may reap as a result of a daily regimen of walking every day.
  • Walking May Slow Mental DeclineA study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco of 6,000 women aged 65 and over showed that of those who walked just 2.5 miles each day, showed less mental decline than women who walked less than .5 miles per week.
  • Walking May Lower Your Risk For Alzheimer'sAccording to a study conducted by the University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville; men between the ages of 71 and 93 who walked more than .25 miles per day had had ½ the numbers of incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, compared to those who walked less.
  • Walking Improves Your Overall MoodJust 30 minutes of walking each day has shown to improve the moods of people suffering from depression faster than antidepressants. The reason? When walking we release natural painkilling endorphins, which help to improve mood. A study conducted by California State University, Long Beach showed that the more steps a person takes each day, the better their overall mood.
All of Tribute Homes neighborhoods offer active adults the opportunity for walking every day. Whether you prefer a home in one of our lakeside communities or our golf communities; you can rest assured that there will be plenty of space to stretch your legs. For more information about our retirement communities throughout North and South Carolina, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

The Importance of Stretching As We Age

Stretching at any age is important for maintaining a healthy body and mind. But the health benefits that come from stretching in our retirement years are invaluable. Stretching can be instrumental in preventing cardiovascular disease, relieving arthritic pain, delaying or preventing the onset of diabetes, improving mental health, and may even prevent us from falling as we get older.

However, it's important that if we're going to make stretching a regular habit; that we start slowly. Stretching can cause serious injury or health problems, if we don't ease into it properly. Tips for beginning a stretching routine for active adults 55+ include:

  • Warm up briefly before beginning any stretching regimen. A brisk walk or even using lightweight dumbbells before stretching is very important.
  • Start slowly. If you're particularly stiff, it is important to listen to your body, and refrain from exerting yourself.
  • Be aware of your breathing. Make sure you are able to breathe easily while stretching so that you don't wind up holding your breath.
  • Avoid any stretching or poses that cause pain.
  • Remain mindful of the position of your spine, so that you are not curving it excessively.
  • Consult a doctor before beginning any stretching exercises, for tips on types of stretching that will benefit you the most.

Even if you've never been much into exercise, it is never too late to begin a gentle routine of stretching. Most stretching can be done on your own, in your own home, without having to take a class. Moreover, the benefits to your overall health may be worth 20 minutes of your time each day. But be sure to consult your physician before undertaking any new exercise activities.

If you're considering purchasing a retirement home in a 55+ active adult community in North or South Carolina, we invite you to learn more about Tribute Homes. Tribute Homes are in multiple communities in lakeside or golf communities in the Carolinas. To speak with Tribute Homes about our incredible retirement communities, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Monday, 29 April 2013

Health Benefits of Volunteer Work During Retirement Years

With newfound time on your hands after retiring, you may find that there is only so much golf you can play, or so many trips you can take; and yet you still have time on your hands. As a result many active 55+ adults, who are retired from full time paying work, decide to start volunteering their time, efforts and skills to various organizations, charities and associations. In addition to being of service to others, or to championing a cause dear to your heart; studies have shown that volunteer work actually has health benefits for retirees.

The Corporation for National and Community Service's report: The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research has found a significant connection between volunteering and good health. Amongst other things, the report showed conclusively that volunteers have greater longevity, higher functional ability, lower rates of depression and less incidence of heart disease.

In particular, the research suggested that volunteering is especially beneficial to the health of older adults and those serving 100 hours annually. Here are some of the specific results of the research:
  • Adults age 65 and older found that the positive effect of volunteering on physical and mental health was due to the personal sense of accomplishment and individual gains from volunteer activities.
  • Another study reported that volunteering led to lower rates of depression in those aged 65 and older.
  • A Duke study determined that adults who volunteered after experiencing heart attacks reported reductions in despair and depression. Both factors have been linked to mortality in post-coronary artery disease patients.
  • An analysis of longitudinal data found that adults 70 years and older who volunteered approximately 100 hours had less of a decline in self-reported health and functioning levels, experienced lower levels of depression, and had more longevity.
Staying active during retirement years is easy, when you retire to one of our Tribute Home Communities in the Carolinas. If you're interested in learning more about our 55+ active adult communities, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at For volunteer opportunities in your area, try visiting

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Five Reasons to Retire To North Carolina

There's no doubt that North Carolina has a lot to offer people of all ages.  In fact, it is the 6th most frequently visited state in the U.S.  So it's not surprising that so many people choose to make North Carolina their home when they retire.  Here are five reasons that 55+ active adults love the lifestyle that North Carolina affords in retirement years.
  1. Climate
    North Carolina's temperate climate is a huge draw for 55+ active adults.  With mild winters, warm summers and pleasant spring and fall seasons, active retirees relish the opportunity to spend time outdoors all year long.  For keeping busy and fit, the climate in North Carolina just can't be beat.
  2. Natural Beauty In A Perfect Location
    When we think about retirement we often think about enjoying the little things more than when we were working.  North Carolina offers diverse natural beauty in spades.  With more than 300 miles of coastline, the Great Smoky Mountains' stunning vistas and plenty of lakes, rivers and forestry to enjoy; for outdoor enthusiastic it's hard to beat North Carolina.  Moreover, North Carolina's proximity to the entire east coast is a big attraction for 55+ active adults, who are looking to spend time traveling during retirement.
  3. Golf & Other Outdoor Activities
    North Carolina is renowned for its more than 600 golf courses, which attracts many retirees looking to enjoy leisure time on the greens.  However, North Carolina isn't only known for its incredible golf courses.  With mountains and beaches galore, opportunities to explore new hobbies such as kayaking or hiking are abundant when you retire to North Carolina.  Or if you're just looking to spend more time taking it easy; fishing and boating is available year-round.
  4. Premier Health Care Facilities
    It's no secret that as we get older, we spend more time in doctors' offices.  In North Carolina, there are 114 hospitals and medical centers, with four of them ranked nationally for providing exceptional health care. Duke University Medical Center is ranked the top hospital followed by the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.  North Carolina's focus on cancer care is also well known and regarded as some of the best in the nation.
  5. Cost of Living/Taxes
    North Carolina boasts a remarkably reasonable cost of living, with the price of housing, utilities, supplies, transportation and health care below the national average.  Various tax breaks are also offered to retirees in North Carolina including the Homestead Exemption which allows senior and disabled homeowners a reduction on property taxes. There is no inheritance tax in North Carolina, either.
If you're considering purchasing a retirement home but have yet to explore all of your options, we invite you to learn more about Tribute Homes. With multiple active adult communities in North Carolina and South Carolina, we offer homes in settings that match any lifestyle. To speak with our sales associates about your options, you can contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Monday, 22 April 2013

Five Creative Ways to Save Energy in Your Home

An energy efficient home is a by-product of several key ingredients, which starts with green home design and ranges from high performance windows to tight home construction and ducts. Every Tribute Home is more than 40% more efficient than a typical existing home giving each customer significant savings on their monthly utility bills. However, if you're looking for even more energy saving ideas as the temperatures rise this spring, here are five other ideas which are both Eco-friendly and creative.
  1. Plant A Tree
    A strategically placed shade tree can reduce your cooling bill by 25%.
  2. Grill Outside Or Use Smaller Kitchen Appliances
    Toasters, slow cookers, microwaves or other small appliances use up to 75% less energy than an electric oven, and won't heat up your home as much either.
  3. Keep Your Walkways Lit-But With Low Voltage
    You need to be able to see outside if you'll be entertaining at night in nice weather. However, to save money on your electric bill, use low-voltage lighting kits to light your deck, patio and walkways. An added benefit of using low voltage lighting outside is that the softer light will attract fewer insects.
  4. Only Run The Dishwasher When Full, At Night.
    Running a half full dishwasher is wasteful. Running it during the day can also heat up your home, triggering you to turn on the air conditioning. To save money, only run full loads at night while you're sleeping. Use the air-dry cycle for additional energy savings.
  5. Wash & Dry Loads of Laundry Back To Back, At Night
    When you have to do laundry, consider doing multiple loads, so that you can dry one load after the first. This prevents the dryer from losing heat, and reduces warm up and drying times. By doing laundry in the evening, you also prevent the heat from warming the house during hot summer days.

If you're considering purchasing a retirement home but have yet to explore all of your options, we invite you to learn more about Tribute Homes. Tribute Homes builds energy efficient homes for 55+ active adults. With multiple lakeside and golf communities in North Carolina and South Carolina, we offer homes in settings that match any lifestyle. To speak with our sales associates about your options, you can contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Benefits of Living in a Lakeside Community

By design, many Tribute Homes are located in lakeside communities in North Carolina and South Carolina. We know that just because you're retiring, doesn't mean that you plan to spend your time lying around. Our 55+ active adult lakeside communities provide the perfect opportunity for you to stay busy.

Here are five benefits to retiring to a lakeside community.
  1. Perfect for Hosting & Entertaining Family and Friends
    Living in a lakeside community means never worrying that your house guests will be bored when they come to visit. Lakes provide recreational opportunities galore for all of your guests. Whether it's merely a walk around the lake, or the pretty backdrop to your summer cook-out; living near a lake provides benefits for all of your friends and family.
  2. Affords Free Exercise Opportunities
    Living within a lakeside community is like living near a gym without the monthly fee. From walking around the lake, to swimming, rowing, fishing, waterskiing and more; lakeside living provides opportunities for active 55+ residents to get their daily exercise without ever having to leave the neighbourhood
  3. Keeps Things Quiet
    Lakes serve as natural noise-reducers. Although sound carries well over lakes when the lakes are calm; when lakes in your community are active; with fishers or boaters for example, the lake acts as a bit of a sponge absorbing the noise, so that the environment around the lake is typically quiet.
  4. Reduces Stress
    Water is a calming influence for many people. The soft sounds of water lapping against the shore can help erase the stresses of the day.
  5. Helps Your Home Hold Its Value
    It's no secret that homes near the water tend to hold their value, even during economic swings, because people always want to live near the water. Moreover, there are only so many lakes to go around, which drives up the demand for homes near lakes.

If you're considering purchasing a retirement home but have yet to explore all of your options, we invite you to learn more about Tribute Homes. With several active adult lakeside communities in North Carolina and South Carolina, we offer homes in settings that match any lifestyle. To speak with our sales associates about your options, you can contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Ins and Outs of Reverse Mortgages

Did you know that individuals seeking reverse mortgages are at an all time high? Though there are benefits of arranging this type of loan in your retirement years, it’s important to understand all the facts before making such an important decision. To help you better understand reverse mortgages, we’ve put together some key considerations below.

What Is A Reverse Mortgage?
In short, a reverse mortgage is a loan that you take out against the equity you’ve built up in your home. Instead of making monthly payments to the bank, a financial institution makes that same monthly payment to you. The equity in your home can still appreciate, and you receive a stable income stream for the term of your arrangement. To be eligible for a reverse mortgages, you have to be at least 62 years of age or older. Though the amount of cash that you’re able to receive depends on your age, amount of home equity, and prevailing interest rates, the general rule of thumb is that the oldest applicants with the most expensive homes generally qualify for the biggest loans.

If you’d like to learn more about the specifics of a reverse mortgage, there are a number of other resources available on the web. You can also consult with your financial advisor to determine whether a reverse mortgage makes sense in your overall financial plan. Additionally, you should also consider how you anticipate using the money, how long you plan to live in your home, and what your other options are.

How will you use the money?
Since the payments received from a reverse mortgage draw down against the equity in your home, which is likely your most valuable asset, it’s important to use the money wisely.

How long do you anticipate living in your home?
People who make the best candidates for reverse money mortgages are individuals who plan on staying in their homes for at least seven years.

Is a reverse mortgage my best option?
Though reverse mortgages are appealing for a number of reasons, it’s important to be thorough when considering a reverse mortgage and when selecting a mortgagee. Compare rates and terms from several banks before finalizing your reverse mortgage to make sure you’re getting the best rate.

If you’re considering purchasing a retirement home but have yet to explore all of your options, we invite you to learn more about Tribute Homes. With several active adult communities in both Charlotte, North Carolina and Columbia, South Carolina, we offer homes in settings that match almost any lifestyle. To speak with our sales associates about your options, you can contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Monday, 18 February 2013

How To Stay Stimulated During Retirement

When transitioning from full time work to retirement, life can become very difficult and even confusing for some. At first, it may seem like something you have always wanted, though as time goes on and if you are not staying active, life may not seem as fulfilling as it once did. At Tribute Homes in South Carolina, our inviting, friendly, and active retirement communities offer residents a chance to take control of the new life chapter they’re entering.

One rule of thumb for keeping both your brain and body stimulated during retirement is to take on new activities that you find fulfilling and meaningful. Now is your chance to be creative—become a volunteer at a museum, take up a new past time, or maybe plan weekly nights out with your friends or family. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about, as this will bring a sense of fulfillment to your time.

If you’re able, traveling is always a great option for staying on the path to a mentally and physically rewarding retirement. Traveling anywhere for any length of time will be something that can keep you motivated both physically and mentally. Experiencing new places and surroundings is a way to build strong relationships with others as well as the relationship you posses with yourself.

Now that you are retired you still must concern yourself with staying active and keeping yourself in a healthy physical state. It may be easier and tempting after years of work for you now to spend your days on the couch. Though there’s nothing wrong with sitting back and relaxing now and then, it’s important for everyone to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Whether it be taking classes at the local YMCA, joining a gym, or just taking a daily walk, physical activity is a proven necessity for a happiness, health, and longevity. Setting active goals for yourself will keep you motivated and feeling great.
Use the time and energy you once spent on work-related goals and turn the concentration to setting and achieving new life goals for you’re future. During retirement, you’ll have more time to truly focus on what may have been put on the back burner all of these years. Taking a few moments to write out your goals will allow you to visualize and conquer your desires.
If you’re nearing the age of retirement, our staff at Tribute Homes in South Carolina encourages you to contact us today to learn more about our retirement communities that provide residents with everything they’ve been seeking for a new part of their life. Call Tribute Homes today at (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at

Thursday, 31 January 2013

How to Make the Most Out of Your Retirement Savings

Entering retirement can be as satisfying as it is scary. You've saved your whole life for this time, but many retirees are left wondering if it will be enough? To help make sure you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle throughout retirement, it’s important to stretch your retirement dollars as far as possible. To help you make the most out of your retirement savings Tribute Homes, one of the largest active adult community developers in Carolinas, has put together this list of important tips to keep in mind before and during retirement.

Develop a budget and stick to it!
Once you enter retirement your income and expenses change significantly, and you need to sit down and develop a budget to reflect those changes. Start off by entering in your, and overestimate them. This will help you trim some fat if you discover your budget isn't feasible. Major ticket items like your mortgage payment, health insurance premiums, and other recurring expenses should be accounted for first. You can then add additional expenses, like food and clothing, entertainment, travel, utilities, and other. Next, you’ll factor in your income and then revisit your expenses. A vacation home in an active adult community may be affordable than you think if you cut back your travelling; it just depends on what you and your family wants. Keep in mind that a budget isn't set in stone; it’s better used as a helpful planning guide for long term planning.

Adjust Your Investment Portfolio
When you first started saving for retirement, your risk profile was much different. Simply put: you had more time to ride out the ups and downs in the equity markets and other riskier investments. Now that you’re counting on the money you saved to live on, you’ll want to start moving those fund into more conservative investment vehicles like cash, bonds, and annuities. The sooner you can start planning for retirement, the better prices you’ll be able to liquidate your existing positions at. A qualified financial adviser will be able to assess your individual situation and develop with a plan that works best for you.

Minimize Your Taxes
Taxes can take a major bite out of your retirement savings, and you’ll want to minimize your tax bill as much as possible. One way to minimize your taxes is to focus on reallocating investments in your tax deferred retirement accounts first. This will help minimize any taxes due on realized gains. In the same vein, selling investments that you've lost money on in a taxable account will also generate valuable tax shields for gains withdrawn from tax-deferred accounts later on. A professional tax adviser or financial adviser will be able to help you keep your tax bill as low as possible.

Generate Additional Income
Being retired doesn't mean you have to stop working entirely. In fact, many retirees find that starting their own small business is a great way to fill their time and generate additional income. Think about it: if you can minimize withdrawals from your retirement account by as much as $10,000 for 10 years, it’s the equivalent of having saved an additional $125,000 (assuming a 5% annualized return).

There are lots of books and other resources (almost too many) that go into more detail for helping you get the most out of your retirement savings, but the above tips provide a good place to start when planning for retirement. 

Many new and prospective retirees find that moving into an active adult community, like the ones developed by Tribute Homes, is a great way to stay active and socialize with other like-minded adults. Whether you dream of retiring in a golf course or lakeside community, Tribute Homes has a number of developments to fit your lifestyle. To learn more about Tribute Homes’ active adult communities in South Carolina visit us online at or call us on the phone at 800-381-2984. We look forward to making your retirement dreams come true.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Importance of Staying Active During Retirement

Earlier in life, you may have envisioned yourself lounging around, carefree throughout your retirement days—not really doing much to speak of. However, this is not the path taken by most retirees, and it’s certainty not the healthiest way to spend your time. Indeed, staying active during retirement helps you live a longer, healthier, and live a more fulfilling life than you would watching daytime television. Retirement is a new beginning—a time to grab life by the horns and live out your dreams. After all, you don’t have to worry about the morning commute anymore.

To better help you understand the importance of staying active during retirement, Tribute Homes has put together a list of the top benefits associated with living an active lifestyle.

Staying active during retirement is good for your brain

There are a number of studies that have found that physical activity helps reduce your risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer disease, and dementia of any type. Maintaining healthy cognitive functioning is essential to living an independent lifestyle in your later years, and the good news is you don’t have to run a marathon to qualify as staying active. Simply going on an evening walk with your spouse, playing golf, tennis, or swimming all help keep your brain healthy as you get older. Even if you think you are years away from having to worry about cognitive problems, it is often said than an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Getting yourself into healthy habits will make it easier to stay active as you get older, and it’s never too soon (or too late) to start.

Staying active during retirement is good for your physical health
In addition to keeping your brain healthy, living an active lifestyle during retirement is also good for your physical health. Some of these benefits include: maintaining a strong and healthy heart though cardiovascular activities; keeping your muscle toned; keeping your bones strong; and maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity also reduces your risk of a number of illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. 

Staying active during retirement is good for your emotional health

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that physical activity reduces the risk of subsequent depression for older adults. In addition to increasing your life expectancy, physical activity also helps you live happier. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, which are a chemical associated with happiness and an overall sense of well-being. In addition to making you feel better on the inside, staying active also gives you more opportunities to stay engaged with friends and family. Golf outings, tennis matches, and water aerobics are all great ways you can stay active while having fun. Which leads us to our last point….

Staying active during retirement is fun
If you were very active before retirement, chances are you already know that being active is fun. However, if you’re looking to start new habits, the best way to do it is to start off slow. The worst thing you can do is overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once, only to get disinterested and talk yourself out of continuing your goals later on. Social sports, like some of the ones discussed above (Golf, Tennis, Water Aerobics) are all great ways to have fun, and if you’re having fun then you’re more likely to continue those activities. It’s win-win situation!

To help you stay active during retirement, Tribute Homes has developed a number of active adult communities in South Carolina with tons of amenities to make sure you’ll always have something to do. Some of these amenities include recreational facilities, golf courses, pristine lakes for boating and fishing, and more. To learn more about Tribute Homes’ offerings, visit us online at or call us directly by phone at 800-381-2984.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Why you need to start preparing for your retirement now

With retirement just around the corner for many baby boomers, the time to start preparing for your retirement is now. You've worked hard your whole life for this moment, and you need to make sure that all your ducks are in a row so you can live the retirement lifestyle you've always dreamed of.  To help make sure your retirement is everything you've hoped for, Tribute Homes, a new home builder specializing in active adult communities throughout the Carolina, has put together this article explaining the importance of preparing for your retirement now.

Determine what kind of retirement lifestyle you can afford

One of the trickiest aspects of transitioning from working full time to retirement is the idea that you’ll be living off of your savings. While everyone’s retirement picture is different, there are some guidelines that most financial advisers recommend when planning for retirement. 

First, you’ll need to figure that you’ll only be living on 70 to 80 percent of your pre-retirement income. Since you won’t be commuting, and won’t need to regularly replace your work clothes, this reduction in income is somewhat offset by a reduction in your work-related expenses. Additionally, you’ll want to be sure that you don’t outlive your retirement savings, so you should overestimate the number of years you’ll require an income.

Once you know how much income you have to work with, you can start to figure out the lifestyle you can afford, i.e., develop your retirement budget. Ask yourself questions like: Do you want to buy a second home, or move into a retirement community? How often do you plan to travel? How will you deal with unexpected medical expense? Are you still providing financial support for your children? All of these are good questions to start thinking of now. If you find that your budget isn't balancing like you hoped, it’s easier to make adjustments before retirement — while you still have time to adjust — than to wait until you’re already living off your retirement savings.

Avoid penalties on your retirement savings

Some retirement accounts have minimum required distributions that you have to make to avoid incurring penalties. For example, as of 2012, IRAs require that you begin withdrawing money when you reach the age of 70.5 at a rate of roughly 3.6 percent per year. You’ll also want to sit down with you financial adviser to discuss how you should start re-balancing your investments as you get closer to retirement. You may be able to avoid capital gains taxes, or otherwise maximize your total account value by making adjustments early on. You don’t want to get into a situation where you’re forced to liquidate assets at less-than-desirable costs or penalties. 

Plan for major purchases and expenses

Many retirees choose to move into an active adult community, or buy a vacation home to spend part of the year at. Planning for major purchases well-before you enter retirement will help you determine the timing of certain expenses to make sure you can comfortably afford these purchases. You’ll also want to plan for health care costs, which are increasing at a rate of approximately 6 percent per year. You may be shocked to learn that a 62-year-old couple that lives to 92 years old will spend approximately $400,000 in health care costs (excluding long-term care costs). You can read more about health care costs during retirement here. 

While there are plenty of other good reasons to start planning for your retirement now, they all come to the same conclusion: it’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.

If you’re considering moving to an active adult community, you should consider one of Tribute Homes’ new home developments in South Carolina. We've built everything with the active adult in mind, and we know you’ll love the time spent on the lake, playing golf, or relaxing with your new friends. To learn more, visit us online at or call us directly at 800-381-2984.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Benefits of Living in an Active Adult Community

You may have some misconceptions about living in an active adult or 55+ community, and we're here today to dispel those beliefs. The truth is, more and more recent and soon-to-be retirees are finding that living in an age-restricted, new home development is almost like going back to college. Active adult communities share many of the same characteristics with the college experience: a community of like-minded individuals entering a new stage in their life, a sense of energy and excitement about the possibilities, and a population with a lot of spare time on their hands for recreational activities. Tribute Homes is one of the largest new homebuilders in the Carolinas, and has a number of wonderful active adult communities throughout South Carolina. To help you better understand some of the benefits of living in an active adult community, we’ve put together a list of some of the top reasons you should.

Social Benefits
Perhaps the biggest benefits of living in an active adult community are social, namely the possibilities of making new friends. With most of the residents being in the same stage of life as you, you’ll find that you all have a lot in common. Active adult communities, such as the ones developed by Tribute Homes, often feature an amenities center or clubhouse as the residents call it. This provides a central location to mingle with neighbors and stay engaged with the community.

Emotional Benefits
Living in a community with neighbors going through the same stage of life can provide a lot of needed emotional support. You’re likely to find a neighbor or friend in the community who had to deal with similar issues as you, whether it’s related to health, finances, or adjusting to the new pace of life you’ll find comfort in sharing your experiences with people who have been there.

Designed Specifically For You
Tribute Homes creates each one of its active adult communities for a specific type of person. Whether you prefer golfing, lakeside living, or both, Tribute Homes’ active adult communities provides you with all the ingredients to enjoy yourself to the fullest. Additionally, all the community amenities and floor plans are hand selected to fit the needs of an active adult. It’s like living in a resort made just for you!

Safety and Security
All of our communities are designed for active adults ages 55 and over, which means you won’t have to worry about the neighbor’s kids throwing loud house parties. And since all of our new construction homes come with a 10-year structural warranty, you’ll sleep better knowing your home is safe and protected from structural and mechanical defects. Additionally, all of Tribute Homes’ communities are nearby major cities, so you’ll have quick access to some of the best health care facilities in the state.

Residents who move into active adult communities all do so for different reasons, but they all share one thing in common: a desire to continue living an active, healthy, and fun retirement lifestyle. To learn more about what makes living in Tribute Homes’ South Carolina active adult communities so great, visit us online at or get in touch with us directly on the phone at 800-381-2984.