Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Health Benefits of Swimming

In addition to walking, one of the best exercises for active adults over the age of 55 is certainly swimming. Whether you're going to a local pool or taking advantage of natural waterways in the Carolinas, experts agree that swimming provides incredible health benefits to us in our retirement years. Here are a few of the ways that regular swimming can keep you in top physical shape as you age.

  • Swimming can improve blood pressure
    As a low impact exercise, swimming is nonetheless laden with health benefits including reducing blood pressure. Because swimming helps improve circulation, and lowers blood pressure it may also lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.
  • Swimming provides total body conditioning
    The act of swimming allows you to use muscles you may not otherwise use. Moreover, swimming utilizes all of your major muscle groups, so that both your upper and lower body muscles become more toned.
  • Swimming Lowers Cholesterol
    Swimming, which is considered an aerobic exercise can help your body to raise the "good cholesterol" while reducing the "bad cholesterol." Your risk of heart disease is lowered when you improve your good cholesterol.
  • Swimming lowers risk of diabetes
    Aerobic exercise such as swimming can help you to reduce the risk of diabetes, by helping you to burn hundreds of calories each week. For example, just 90 minutes a week of swimming the breaststroke can burn up to 900 calories. That can reduce your risk of getting diabetes from 10-15%.

Swimming is also a low impact exercise, which has a very low incidence of injury. Moreover, many doctors recommend swimming for active adults who have an existing injury. Swimming is a low stress exercise, which results in very little muscle strain, but great health benefits. However you should always consult your doctor before beginning any new physical fitness routine.

Tribute Homes in North and South Carolina understands that retirement may just be the beginning of your most active years. We offer low maintenance and energy efficient homes so that you can focus on yourself and your loved ones in your retirement years. For information on our lakeside or golf community homes for active adults 55+, contact us directly by calling (800) 381-2984 or visit us on the web at www.tributehomesusa.com.

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